How to add lot traits sims 4
How to add lot traits sims 4

If you haven't got a founderX ingame, you'll have to set these individually (though as you'll see below, famX is given to descendants by default, so you can make life easier by starting as far up the family tree as possible)

how to add lot traits sims 4

famX (family member of X) - Given to every descendant of founderX.founderX (founder of X) - Given to exactly one sim who will be the head of your legacy.The main point of family traits is to keep track of your sims' legacies - you can use console commands to add, remove, and list sims with these traits. There are five types of family traits, for eight families from A to H (I'll use X to mean any family): For this I'm going to use the Pancakes family as they appear on the gallery.

how to add lot traits sims 4

Had a request for a tutorial, so here we go! This tutorial gives an overview of what each family trait means and how to add them.

How to add lot traits sims 4