Mods are game modifications to the Sims 4. The most frequently asked questions about The Sims 4 game Drinking from a Cattle will consume them slowly, but will make the vampire (and the cattle) very happy. Now, the more you drain it, the more the cattle will lose the sense of self… they will start to lose memories, they will start to lose humanity, and they will start to lose weight. Manipulate Life Spirit now turns a Sim into Cattle.Ĭattle have a special bar that shows their life force, once a sim is a cattle, draining the life force and restoring it will consume this bar. I reworked ho the manipulate life spirit power works, since it did nothing in the game at all. – Option to have the possibility to drink from other Vampires to refresh the Vampire virus (it fills all needs) – Special moodlets and effects for drinking blood from different occult types. I did not touch Drain Life Spirit, but I removed the drama node from there, too. – Drink with permission never kills the target. – Drink Uncontrollably though, that always kills.

– Deep Drink will not kill the target for sure, but has the chance to if the target’s energy drops under -100, this is valid for night time visits, too. – I totally removed the drama node, meaning the sms you get when you’re supposed to be caught drinking blood, that happens even if you’re drinking with permission from a Sim in your basement (who the fuck told you, Marcus Flex?! The spiders?!!) – I did not touch the states, Vampires and Humans have the same gain and loss in hunger, energy etc as they have in the game. – I did not and will not make the interactions autonomous, I don’t trust the Sims 4 AI at all.